Landscape & Gardening

What’s Blooming Now

This is the only way to make concrete look good. With Four-nerve daisies (Tetraneuris scaposa) mixed in with Dwarf Coreopsis (Coreopsis auricular ‘Nana’) at the base of my Texas Whitebud tree and a backdrop of sundrops, who will notice the concrete?
This is the only way to make concrete look good. With Four-nerve daisies (Tetraneuris scaposa) mixed in with Dwarf Coreopsis (Coreopsis auricular ‘Nana’) at the base of my Texas Whitebud tree and a backdrop of sundrops, who will notice the concrete?

Today is blooming Earth Day, and I have some bodacious beauties to share with you. I took these photos about a week ago thinking the predicted week of rain would destroy their beautiful massing effect. The sun’s back out today, and they have fortunately recovered. Though I’m glad I shot them earlier on a cloudy day, because these particular areas do not photograph well in full sun. Dappled shade would be ideal, but these flowers are either in full sun or full shade. For more photos of the blooming bits of my garden, click the link below.

Landscape & Gardening

Facial Hair

Rosy Jane Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri 'Rosy Jane')
Rosy Jane Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri ‘Rosy Jane’)

‘Whirling Butterflies’ is another name for this Gaura. Having big hair in my face pots has always been kind of important. So when this area was suddenly transformed into a sun garden by the loss of an ancient oak tree, I chose Gaura to replace my shade-loving Foxtail Asparagus Fern. There is another one of these face pots in the backyard which is in shade and still sports its dreadlocks of foxtails.