Landscape & Gardening

What’s Blooming Now

Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip’ (the purple flowers) the will send it up blooms before it produces new leaves.
Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip’ (the purple flowers) the will send it up blooms before it produces new leaves.

Spring has sprung here in Dallas. Unfortunately a lot of the blooming perennials I showed you last year didn’t make it after last year’s weather extremes and some bad luck. I’ve replaced some of them this past fall, but most will have to be purchased this spring when they become available. What has been replaced is doing very well. Because of our mild winter with no freezing temperatures, the root systems were able to grow the entire winter and are now well established. But it will take another two years to get to where their predecessors were before last spring’s El Niño killed them.

Landscape & Gardening

What’s Blooming Now

These potted Gerbera daisies were planted last spring. I didn’t think they would come back, but just in case, I placed them in my greenhouse for the winter, and except for weekly watering, I pretty much ignored them. Lo and behold they came back!
These potted Gerbera daisies were planted last spring. I didn’t think they would come back, but just in case, I placed them in my greenhouse for the winter, and except for weekly watering, I pretty much ignored them. Lo and behold they came back!

All of these photos were taken this past Friday, March 27. With six weeks of constant rain mixed with freezing temperatures, there hasn’t been an ideal opportunity to photograph anything in my gardens until now. Sadly, because of this bad weather mix, a lot of the late winter bloomers have long passed their photogenic hour. This round of photos showcases current individual bloomers, because the rest of the perennials are just now beginning to emerge. Photographing the entire garden will happen some time in late June or early July.