Just Because

Blog Set Up Trial


This is just a just a trial run. There is a lot more to add and delete before this blog is ready for public viewing. So bear with me. Eventually this post will be eliminated and replaced with something you will actually want to read. Maybe not. Actually, all future posts will be mostly large images. My copy will play a subordinate role — it will be written only to explain what the photos are all about. I’m more into visuals than words. I am neither a copy writer or a journalist.

This is the first WordPress theme that I have ever built from scratch (as in starting with an empty box). It’s been a huge, long, painful learning curve. Building my website was a piece of cake (though it was labor intensive with many long hours) compared to learning all the coding and PHP required for WordPress. AAARRRGGGHHH!

This trial run is also to see if all my categories show up in the left sidebar. I’ve entered them, but they aren’t showing up when I refresh my post window. And then there are the tags. Heck, what’s the difference between categories and tags? They seem redundant to me.

So here goes… I’m about to click on the “Publish” button.