Just Because

Savoring the Quiet Moments


Can be far more preferable. This post is for those who are like me and don’t wish to engage in the full on madness of the holidays. It seems like every autumn there’s a slow buildup of activity that begins to peak on Thanksgiving and continues into a screaming pitch that eventually explodes just before the new year. It’s as if there’s a contest going on to see who can out decorate, out party, out shop, out wrap, and out glamour. Instead of signing up for that tussle, my holidays will be about the simple things. So starting tomorrow, on Thanksgiving, I wish for everyone simple daily moments of beauty.

2 thoughts on “Savoring the Quiet Moments”

  1. Margaret Downs-Gamble says:

    Thank you, Patsy Ann. What a lovely gift to remind us all to slow down and notice the golden crust on a pie, the steam rising off a cup of coffee, friends and family, to mention a few, this holiday season.

    1. Patsy Ann says:

      Margaret, you said it so much better than I could. This is why I rely on my pictures and leave the word crafting to talents like you.

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