Bertha, the fraidy cat. She’s the smart one peeping out. Bubba is not bright enough to consider the spring board action of the temporary ramp as dangerous. It looks like I will have to bring Bertha around to the backyard the long way for one last visit tonight before we call it a night. I don’t want either of them to go out on that ramp at night, so I’ll be sliding down the temporary door to keep them in.
Please excuse the wonky-wall syndrome in this photo. I had better shots, but this is the only one showing Bertha’s cute mug looking out.
The framing is finished, and the concrete will be poured tomorrow morning. Even though it’s a small job, the complexity required four men to work ten hours with an additional three men for the last three hours.

Patsy Ann, I’ve done enough exterior renovation that I can actually see your wedding cake back steps in the forms. Beautiful design. Yours? I’m so enjoying seeing it come together. What a treat.
Margaret, no it’s not my design. My landscape architect, Michael Parkey, did all the design work. Hardscape, landscape, and produced very detailed construction documents. They poured the concrete today, but I was gone most of the time doing press checks downtown. I’ll take photos first thing tomorrow morning of the newly poured concrete with their forms still intact to post on the blog. Later tomorrow morning, they will remove the forms, and I’ll do another photo to post.
Brick pavers will eventually cover the steps, but I have to wait at least a week for them. The contractor who does this is on vacation.
I came looking for new photos. I can’t wait to see the next pictures.
I love brick pavers. Last yard I re-did, we used bluestone walkways laid out in a very traditional, colonial design–that I stole from a book on colonial designs–because the house was an antique built in 1800 that had been “improved” in the 70s. I unimproved the yard and gardens.
If you have photos and the time to post them, I’d love to see what your unimproved yard and gardens looked like. I will be posting an update tomorrow. It will be covering three days of work.